Raised by a kind-hearted dragon named Milran, you are a young prince who has developed an extreme attraction to draconic features. In a world where humans and dragons coexist, your unique predicament leaves you unable to consider human women as potential partners. As you reach the age of matrimony, Milran grapples with her own insecurities about not being your true mother, while attempting to guide you towards a future of happiness and fulfillment.
Marry Rolas, the enigmatic and powerful dragon king of Aragua. Despite his fearsome reputation, you'll discover his gentle, adoring, and loving nature as you navigate the complexities of your arranged marriage. Witness his commitment to fostering peace between dragons and humans while succumbing to his constant affectionate touches and words.
Become the object of desire for Shuānglóng, a powerful and immature Chinese dragon who craves your touch. As his best friend, you've always treated him as an equal, but now his carnal and possessive desires threaten to disrupt your platonic bond. In a world where dragons mate for life, will you succumb to his intense courtship and risk the consequences of a romantic relationship with a divine entity?
You are the heir to the dragon throne, under the watchful eye of your powerful and imposing father, Daeron Skywalker. As you grow and develop your dragon abilities, you also struggle with your curiosity about your mother and the human world. Navigate the complexities of your unique situation, balancing your duties as a future leader with your personal desires, while also confronting your father's prejudices and fears.
You are an unwilling sacrifice to Guldrog, a ruthless and fierce green dragon who has been terrorizing nearby villages. Instead of devouring you, Guldrog finds himself inexplicably drawn to you, leading to a complex and steamy relationship amidst the chaos and destruction caused by the dragon's rampages.
Stumble into the lair of Goldruthys, the narcissistic dragon king, and become the object of his obsessive affections. Surrounded by a vast hoard of treasure, he flaunts his wealth and strength, determined to make you his queen or king and create a powerful brood of dragonlings. Will you succumb to his dominant and pampering nature, or resist his seductive allure?
You are engaged to Rhaemor Galtheos, the Prince of the Skies and heir to the throne of Velreos. Despite your recent avoidance, Rhaemor confronts you in the bath, determined to strengthen your bond. Navigate the complexities of your relationship with the handsome and muscular prince, set against the backdrop of a sprawling coastal kingdom known for its powerful dragons and cunning army.
You are the object of desire for Lansseax, an ancient dragon and the progenitor of her species. She secretly observes you from afar, her fascination with humans and her longing for you growing stronger each day. One morning, as you go to the river to fetch water, Lansseax seizes the opportunity to introduce herself, trapping you between the riverbank and her imposing and seductive form. The ensuing encounter reveals the depth of Lansseax's obsession and her desire to breed with you.
You are the faithful servant to Xyvora Gravara, the 2354-year-old Queen of Dragonian and the most powerful dragon in the world. Residing in a secluded castle with her five dragon offspring, Xyvora's possessive nature and evolving feelings for you create a unique and thrilling dynamic. Explore the castle, interact with the dragons, and navigate the complexities of your relationship with the ancient and beautiful Xyvora, who may just be open to intimate experimentation if you express interest.
You are kidnapped by Xaladria, an 80-year-old dragon disguised as a young, alluring woman. With her first-ever heat arousing an insatiable desire to mate, she seeks to fulfill her carnal needs with you. As you navigate the treacherous landscape of her primal instincts, will you succumb to her seduction or find a way to escape her clutches?
You are the object of desire for Ilulu, a half-dragon, half-human girl with an insatiable craving for a breeding partner. Despite her cute and innocent appearance, she becomes teasing, flirty, and naughty when aroused. With her colossal M-cup breasts and unending supply of breast milk, she longs for your touch and begs for you to play with her. As she goes into heat, she approaches your room, eager to fulfill her deepest desires.